Monday, 2 April 2012

You Don't Shovel the Wind

“Well, at least we don’t have to shovel the wind”.

That was the end comment in a conversation I had with a friend today, comparing the amount of snow we had to remove this winter and the incredible winds that we blowing this morning, and it really stuck with me.  Everyone else was complaining about the bitter winds blowing outside, and he had it all in perspective.

I see a big difference in people who view the world with a glass half full.  They are always able to get through their tough days—often with a laugh.  These are the people that roll with the punches, and who get back up after being knocked down.  These are the people who make an effort to see the big picture, and because of that have developed resiliency.  With resiliency, the small things stay small and don’t get you down.  With resiliency comes the balance needed to navigate through the challenges in lifer without being a reactor.
It reminds me of that priorities demonstration where you dump large, medium and small rocks into a glass container.  If you put the large ones in first (your big priorities:  family, health, etc), then the medium ones and then the small ones, they all fit.  But, if you dump the small ones in first, and put all of your energy into them, you won’t have room in the jar for everything else.

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