Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Blogging: A How-To Post

I have had a few friends say “how do you go about doing it” enough times that I thought that I would post some instructions to help people get going—get blogging—on their own. 

Here we go:  Start by selecting one of the free blogging sites and set up an account.  I have selected Blogger.com, however, there are many others to choose from.  You will have to select some sort of name for your blog (ex. ePrincipal), so try to think up something somewhat creative.

You will have to create a new post.  Most of these sites are really easy to follow along, especially if you are used to common word processing software.

Pick a title for your post and type in the body, and then format it however you would in a document, bolding, itallicizing, etc. as you see fit.  If you want to add a picture or video, just click on the correct button (picture) and upload the file from your computer or the Internet.

You can preview your post to see what it looks like on the Internet (what others will see).  Once satisfied, hit the Publish button.  

If, after all of this, you find something that you want to change, you simply log back in, select the post that you want changed, and edit it.  Secret confession:  I have come back in to edit this article once already...

Finally, once up and running, there are some cool tools and features for you to explore.  For example, would you believe that my blog was viewed three times in Russia this week?  Or that more people viewed this blog from a phone than a computer in the last week?  See below for evidence:

Good luck out there!

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