Thursday, 8 September 2011

Bucket Fillers

Yesterday, at our welcome assembly, I had two of our leadership students read the book:  Have You Filled Your Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids by Carol McCloud and illustrated by David Messing.  The point of the story is that we all have imaginary buckets that get filled when we do kind things for other people.  The opposite is also true:  our buckets empty when unkind things are done.  I sent everyone home yesterday with a challenge:  to think about a way that you can help fill someone else’s bucket.  I arrived at school today, with my bucket in hand, and collected as many of those positive thoughts that I could and my bucket began to over flow.  I had many parents ask why I was carrying a bucket around labelled “Fill My Bucket”, and I then called their child over to explain bucketfilling to their parents.  The best moments came, however, when the parents told me about the bucketfilling discussions that their children brought home last night.  How cool is that?
So, are you a bucket filler?

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