Friday, 16 September 2011


I came across something intriguing on Chris Kennedy’s blog,”The Culture of Yes”, and it really got me thinking.  PechaKucha is a presentation style where the presenter shows 20 slides, each for only 20 seconds.  The slides are set to automatically forward and the presenter simply talks along to the images.  Hmmm, imaging all of those boring, drawn-out presentations that you have subjected to re-booted, edited and condensed to the more salient 20 nuggets.  Gone would be all of the data-packed slides, gone would be the presenter reading the text to you, and in their places would be images, brief quotes and simple text, spoken to for 20 seconds, and then replaced by the next image or text, and so on.
I see real potential for using this style of presentation in the classroom.  The 20x20 format forces a tonne of reflection through the editing and condensing, and then reinforces content mastery through the careful selection of images needed to represent those condensed ideas.  I would even consider a 10x20 format; it would double the amount of presentations that could happen in a class, and simplify the process even further.
Check it out.  I would be very interested to hear how PechaKucha worked in your classroom.

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