Monday, 28 January 2013

My 2012 Top Five

January is a reflective month for me.  I usually ignore the "resolutions" phase that everyone ultimately fails on, but as it is the month where I turn 1 year older, I do tend to look back at the last year to help me look ahead to the one in front of me.

So, for my blog, I started with some of my blog data from 2012:

Top 5 ePrincipal Pageviews by Country
  1. Canada (1141)
  2. United States (308)
  3. Russia (111)
  4. Germany (36)
  5. United Kingdom (22)
Top 5 ePrincipal Pageviews by Browser
  1. Safari (33%)
  2. Internet Explorer (26%)
  3. Firefox (17%)
  4. Mobile (13%)
  5. Chrome (7%)
Top Keyword Searches to find ePrincipal
  1. eprincipal.blogspot
  2. recharge
  3. principal survival kit
  4. recharge battery
  5. battery recharge
Most Viewed ePrincipal Posts
  1. Recharging Your Soul 23-Feb-12 (155)
  2. The Learner 25-May-12 (97)
  3. Principal Survival Kit 6-Sep-12 (58) ***
  4. Have Hedgehogs Really Evolved? 13-Sep-12 (30) 
  5. Book Club For Boys - 21-Jun-12 (20)
***11 hits over this weekend alone.

My Favourite 2012 ePrincipal Posts
  1. Unconference 25-Sep-12
  2. The Happy Secret To Better Work 22-Oct-12
  3. Growing Potatoes 18-Apr-12
  4. Brain Research and the Classroom--Keeping the Brain Engaged 17-Feb-12
  5. Popping Our Bubble Filters 6-Jan-12
What does this all mean?  I am still trying to figure out how--and why--people come to find ePrincipal, and--of course--what meaning that they find when they get there.  I can tell you that writing this blog is something very healthy for me, and if there is someone out there that can also find some meaning in parts of it, well, that's great too.

When I look at the data on what keywords people use to find this site and which posts get the most hits, I definitely see people looking for something.  Is it the catchy titles, that would make even J Jonah Jameson Jr. proud?  Regardless, it seems that the hits are increasing so, in the eternal words of Lilith Stern, N.D., Ph.D., Ed.D., A.P.A. (formerly Crane), "Always leave them coming back for more."

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