Friday, 9 December 2011

Christmas Tree Hunting

99.  Christmas Tree Hunting
There is nothing quite like jamming your family into the truck with a hand saw and hot chocolate at the ready and a permit to harvest a Christmas tree in your back pocket.  We did just that this last weekend, and what a great time we had.
School is so busy at this time of the year.  Reports cards are being done (or not), classes are busy preparing for the annual Christmas Concert, and everyone is busy sharing flu and cold bugs, dealing with the challenges of buying Christmas presents for everyone, fitting in all of the staff parties and socials, and of course all of the emotional “stuff” that comes up in the lives of our friends and family at this time of year.  Whew, how do we make it through December every year? 
Of course, this is why it is so important to pull together with your family, whether it is a trip up into the mountains to find that perfect Christmas tree, a visit with Grandma or just 15 minutes to sit together over a cup of hot chocolate on a cold afternoon.  Take the time to recharge your body and your soul.  For us, the Christmas tree adventure was amazing.  We dragged along a family from the UK and headed up into the snow.  We had blue skies, hot chocolate and a wonderful time.  We found the perfect Christmas tree, all 15 feet of it, and headed down the mountain Grizwald-style with the tree leashed to the top of the SUV.  It was quite a sight, and something that the kids will chalk up into their memories as one of the important things that we need to do at this time of the year.  And that, it what it all should be about.

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